Member States


Malawi is a landlocked country located in Africa.

Climate Change Policies

Adaptation: Priority Actions:

1) Increase irrigation at smallholder level;

2) Implement integrated catchment conservation and management programme;

3) Build capacity to diagnose, prevent and control climate-sensitive diseases such as malaria, diarrhoeal diseases and malnutrition;

4) Promote use of biomass briquettes as substitute for firewood and charcoal + 40 other highlighted priority actions.

Reduce GHG emissions to around 0.7 to 0.8 t CO2e per capita (in relation to GHG emissions BAU levels of around 1.5 t CO2e per capita) by 2030 conditional to external support in sectors of energy supply, energy utilization, industrial processes, agriculture, forestry and land use, waste.

Adaptation: Priority Actions:

1) Increase irrigation at smallholder level;

2) Implement integrated catchment conservation and management programme;

3) Build capacity to diagnose, prevent and control climate-sensitive diseases such as malaria, diarrhoeal diseases and malnutrition;

4) Promote use of biomass briquettes as substitute for firewood and charcoal + 40 other highlighted priority actions.


Year of joining the CVF




Year of national independence


Website Links

UNFCCC Focal Points

Mr. Evans Davie Njewa

Chief Environmental Officer & UNFCCC Focal Point
Government of Malawi
[email protected]

Ms. Tawonga Grace Mbale-Luka

Acting Director of Environmental Affairs Department
Government of Malawi
[email protected]

National Focal Points

Mr. Francis Kasaila

Mr. Evans Davie Njewa
Chief Environmental Officer and UNFCCC Focal Point
[email protected]

News from Malawi

Not available.