Member States


Tuvalu is an archipelago of low-lying atolls located in the Pacific.

Climate Change Policies

Reduce GHG emissions by 100% (in relation to GHG emissions BAU levels (2010)) from the electricity sector by 2025 and reduce GHG emissions by 60% (in relation to GHG emissions BAU levels (2010)) from the energy sector by 2025 conditional to external support.


Not available.

Not available.

Year of joining the CVF




Year of national independence


UNFCCC Focal Point

H.E. Ms. Pepetua Election Latasi

Director for Climate Change and Disaster Coordinator

Government of Tuvalu

[email protected]

National Focal Points

Ms. Lafita Paeniu

Ministry of Justice, Communications and Foreign Affairs

[email protected]

Mr. Tapugao Falefou

Ministry of Justice, Communications and Foreign Affairs

[email protected]

Mr. Pasuna Tuaga

Ministry of Justice, Communications and Foreign Affairs

[email protected]

News from Tuvalu